Learn To Build Addicting Frontends

Hey, I'm Tom 👋 I teach people how to build cool UI experiences with React.

I also run Hover.dev, an animated component library for React, TailwindCSS, and Framer Motion. I'm packaging up everything I know so that you can build any UI animation you can dream up.

For as much as I try to cover in my YouTube videos, I still get asked quite often to dive deeper.

That's why I'm working on a course on Framer Motion Framer motion logo, with the goal of teaching you how to build any animation or interaction you could ever dream up.

In this course, we'll start with some basics.

In order to build any ANIMATION you want, you've got to know how to build any LAYOUT you want.

We'll cover all of the techniques I find to be most useful.

We should be able to be able to look at any animation, break it down into it's component pieces, and understand how it works.

Then, we'll go from theoretical to practical.

As we progress through the course, we'll cover everything that Framer Motion has to offer.

We'll build on those skills by breaking down real life animations from some of your favorite websites.

We'll cap each module off with challenges.

You'll push out of your comfort zone to build complex, addicting animations that you'll be proud to show off.

By the end of the course, you'll be armed with the knowledge to build UI experiences that wow your users, build your brand, and maybe even make it onto mom's fridge 😉

Sound cool? Join the waitlist above for updates and a discount when we launch 🚀

✨ In the meantime ✨
Framer motion logo
Framer motion logo
❤️ In lieu of testimonials ❤️
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"There's a css king on YouTube you're a Framer king.."

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"Man can you please make a course or video on framer motion course I really would love to learn by you BTW really great video"

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"Have you ever considered make a more comprehensive framer-motion course (free or paid)? Every components you built are really amazing"

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"The framer king is back 🫡"

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"That explanation was actually really intuitive"

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"Goddamn man, it's genuinely insane how accessible you make literal award-winning design ideas. I am kind of at a loss for words at how much I enjoy watching your videos."

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"Started playing around with framer motion cuz of your vidz 🔥"

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"Great content man, always getting learn something new from here!"

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"This guy needs to be viral"

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"Thanks, Tom! I'm learning a lot from your videos!"

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"You're a fucking legend."

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"The knowledge u are passing on right now is crazy. God bless 🙏"